
America, the beautiful?

A creek and stream bed whose natural beauty is marred by trash in Lincoln, RI.

One of the drawbacks to being present and noticing everything around you is that you notice the ugliness as well.

There’s no debate here. We humans are trashing our planet.

The lovely landscape with trash subtracting from its appeal.

As a homeowner of 17 years, I understand some of the struggle. Not everything can be easily tossed or recycled. Getting rid of certain items can be costly.

But here’s the thing: You bought it in the first place. Its disposal should be part of the acquisition choice.

Why would you toss something out the window as you drive past?

People fish and swim in this reservoir.

You can’t love your country while consciously doing something that detracts from its beauty.

How much extra effort does it take to empty your ashtray in a trash can at home? Or take your Dunkin Donuts cup into work and throw it out there?

No matter your views on the National Anthem debate, true patriotism – true love of country – means doing your part to keep America beautiful.

For me, that means taking a trash bag on my next walk.

Because I would much rather see my country look like this… natural beauty without the stain of mankind on it.

Cold water + warm air = mysterious fog

Consider taking a few minutes once or twice a week to clean up your small corner. It takes a village.